History of LEDs


LEDs, also known as light emitting diodes, are seen everywhere today. But what exactly are LEDs? Let’s take it back to when LEDs were first originally created.

It all began in 1961, when Robert Biard and Gary Pittman accidently invented an infra-red LED while working for Texas instruments. Their light didn’t have any practical use since the ray was invisible to humans. However, in 1962, Nick Holonyak Jr. invented the first LED that could produce visible red light. Years later, orange LEDs began to be produced. In 1972, M.George Craford used two Gallium Phosphide chips (one red, one green) to make LEDs that produced a pale yellow light. By the late 1900s, orange, green, red, and yellow LEDs existed on the market.

In 1994, LEDs were emitting a bright white light. The results produced by the white LEDs were impressive, and the U.S. Department of Energy encouraged business and property owners to convert to LEDs since they use about 80% less energy and are double the lifespan of traditional bulbs.

As previously said, LEDs are seen everywhere today in stores, warehouses, offices, even at home. That is, because they produce less heat and energy, and give you brighter, more controllable lighting.

Did you know?

In today’s market, LED lighting can be found for every indoor and outdoor application imaginable. XTLED has lights that are perfect for you and your goal plan.

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